Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Annual Workshop Summary 2019

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 These are my Interpretations of the vaccine data presented at the 2019 PIC Workshop in Costa Mesa, CA 

Disclaimer: This is opinion only and not to be construed as medical advice or fact. My opinions also tend to apply mostly to what is happening in California but can be extrapolated to your individual location now or likely coming soon if we don’t stand up for individual liberty and autonomy. This is information we all should know before we can truly make an informed decision about vaccination. 

I have taken much of this information directly from handouts and lecture notes presented at the conference. I want to give all credit to the wonderful people who gave us their time and wisdom. 

The goal of the first presentation by Gregory Glaser, Esq. & Toni Bark, MD was to assist physicians with the proper evaluation of patients for a medical exemption. They went to great length to reference every factual statement or statistical data which gives me some confidence in the presentations. In June 2015, California enacted a mandatory vaccination law (SB277) for both private and public-school attendance. Personal belief and religious exemptions were no longer available. This has raised confusion for parents and physicians as to what constitutes a proper and legal reason for exemption. The science of medical exemptions remains confusing as the data on which it is based in incomplete. For example, prior to measles vaccination the reported fatality rate was 1:1000. However, it is believed that only 10% of cases are reported which then would make the case-fatality rate closer to 1:10,000. A similar analysis can be done regarding the risk of seizure in active measles cases which is 3 times higher than the fatality rate or 1:3,333. In contrast, the seizure rate from the MMR vaccine is about 1:641. This risk is greatly increased when there is a history of febrile seizures to as high as 1:51. (Note: there are references given for all these ratios). 

A medical exemption (ME) to vaccination is a medicolegal document that is required for school attendance when it is felt that a patient is at increased risk from harm for any of the mandated vaccines. The exemption must be based on labeled contraindication, precaution, warning or perceived risk of an adverse event from the physician’s point of view. The rules for exemption can vary from state to state. (The speakers did not venture into the ethical implication of requiring a medical exemption for school attendance. Nor did they enter into the debate about comparing the benefits of lifelong naturally-acquired immunity versus temporary pharmaceutical-based immunity but more on that later). However, I can say that the idea of a one-size-fits-all vaccine schedule is typical of large bureaucracies but usually leads to more problems as the immune system response is variable among diverse individuals. 

What are vaccine contraindications, warnings and precautions and adverse events? 

The CDC defines a contraindication as a condition that increases the risk of a serious adverse reaction and when such a condition is present, a vaccine should not be administered. An example would be a severe allergic reaction to a prior vaccine. 

The CDC defines a precaution as a condition that might increase the risk for a serious adverse reaction, might cause diagnostic confusion or might compromise the ability of a vaccine to produce immunity. When present, vaccine administration should be deferred. This should be decided on a case by case basis by the physician. An example would be someone with an acute illness, with or without fever. I think it is imperative for families to read the package insert, as tedious as that may be, because I am certain that most medical personal administering vaccines have not. 

Adverse events (AE) are side effects or complications occurring after vaccination. They are listed in the package inserts in order of decreasing severity or frequency and can be quite frightening. Frankly, after reading a vaccine package insert, or for that matter the package insert on Tylenol, it is hard to imagine anyone voluntarily consenting to take that injection or drug. Also, The Vaccine Injury Table lists specific adverse events awarded compensation by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Healthcare practitioners are required by law to report and AE to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). But my suspicion is only a small number of AE are actually reported. For instance, your child gets redness and swelling at the injection site and a low-grade fever. You notify your pediatrician by phone who tells you its normal and will go away in a few days. It is likely never recorded in the child’s chart and certainly never reported to VAERS. VICP and VAERS were part of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which provided a no-fault alternative to the tradition court system for resolving injury or death claims. This act for the most part indemnified physicians and vaccine manufacturers from liability for damages from the vaccine produced and administered. VICP claims must be filed within 3 years after the first symptom or manifestation of onset of the injury. And just 2 years if the vaccination resulted in death. This single legislative act, while possible well-meaning, has probably done more damage than good as I will discuss later. Here is the link to the Vaccine Injury Table: 

Family Medical History 

If a family has already experienced severe vaccine AEs in distant relatives or a moderate to severe reaction in one or more close family members, the family may express hesitation to receiving vaccines. Yeah, no shit! However, this does not automatically satisfy the indication for a medical exemption anymore. The physician has to use discretion and clinical judgement and perform a complete history including an attempt to review all old medical records and a physical exam before issuing a medical exemption. 

The following medical conditions, listed in order of the most research available, show a possible link between vaccination and acute or chronic medical conditions. It is important to note that medical research (those who know me know I’m always suspicious of that term today) has not conclusively proven that these disorders increase the risk of a severe AE, thus they are not yet listed as contraindications. However, there is enough data which may be taken into account when evaluating a patient for a medical exemption. 

1: Autoimmune Disorders 

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) 

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis 


Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue 

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 

Type 1 Diabetes 

Sjogren’s Syndrome 


Celiac Disease 

Addison’s Disease 

Alopecia Areata 

Other Autoimmune States 

2: Asthma/Allery/Atopic Disorders 


Asthma & Allergy 

Atopic Disorders 

Eczema/ Atopic Dermatitis 

Severe Food Allergies 

3: Neurologic Disorders 

Seizures or Epilepsy 

Bell’s Palsy 

Alzheimer’s Disease 

Parkinson’s Disease 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Me?)/Tic Disorder/Tourette’s Syndrome 

Mitochondrial Dysfunction 

Guillain-Barre Syndrome 

Demyelinating Inflammatory Disorders 

4: Inflammatory Bowel Disorders 

Crohn’s Disease 

Ulcerative Colitis 

Celiac Disease 

5: Developmental or Learning Disorders 


Speech or Language Impairment 

Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder 

Learning Disabilities 

6: Psychiatric or Mental Health Disorders 



Genetic Susceptibility That May Increase the Risk of Vaccine Adverse Events 

Certain individuals are at a higher risk of having unique neurological, autoimmune, allergic and inflammatory reactions to vaccine antigens and other ingredients but since routine screening of the population as a whole isn’t done many at significantly higher risk go undetected. The practice of performing genetic evaluations to determine the presence of increased risk for an AE is becoming more popular. Saliva tests like those used with commercial kits such as and others. Several gene polymorphisms (SNPs) have been noted in the medical literature as having the potential to increase the risk of an adverse reaction to vaccination. These include: MTHFR, IRF1, ICAM1, IL4, HLA-DBR1, HLA-DQB1, & SCB1A (While this can get very technical for you and me it would be wise to be sure the test kit you might order looks for these among the myriad of others). Until further research of good quality is conducted, the degree to which these genetic variants increase vaccine risk cannot be claimed with certainty but we currently know there is some risk. Your physician or child’s pediatrician may want to perform a genetic evaluation and if a genetic variant or more is present may follow the precautionary principal and issue a medical exemption. 

The situation with some of the HLA genes is even more nuanced as the lack of some, like the HLA-DRB1*13 is associated with being a vaccine non-responder. Giving a vaccine to a non-responder can give risk with no benefit. You can see how relying on the confusing science here makes it hard for physicians to keep up with the political and administrative pressure to be accurate in compliance with the ever-evolving rules. 

Here’s a pearl that I can understand. Certain genetic variants are related to seizure activity following the MMR vaccine. (IFI44L, CD46, SCN1A, SCN2A, & ANO3). The risk of developing febrile seizures from the MMR vaccine is five times greater than the risk of developing febrile seizures from the measles itself. It is estimated that there are 5.700 MMR-induced febrile seizures every year in the United States. And a portion of febrile seizures have permanent sequelae. A large epidemiologic study from 2007 found 5% of febrile seizures result in epilepsy. That’s a one in twenty lifetime risk of developing epilepsy after a febrile seizure and, to repeat, we are mandating our children have a vaccine that causes more febrile seizures than the disease it supposedly prevents! 

Suggested Policies and Administrative Procedures for Doctors Who evaluate Patients for MEs. 

The authors of this presentation hold the opinion that it is in the best interest of the patient for doctors to consider the following factors to protect the current and future health of each individual patient. 

1) An adverse event to one vaccine should factor into the recommendation regarding exemption to other vaccines, due to common ingredients and excipients. 

2) There are no data establishing an age at which a child might outgrow a propensity to suffer a repeat vaccine AE, and a physician is justified in providing an exemption for any length of time he/she decides is warranted in each clinical situation.

3) Extending an exemption beyond the patient’s age in which a pediatrician practices medicine (>18) may not be within the scope of care but the severity of an AE or condition may be factored into this decision (e.g. a severe allergic reaction or neurologic injury) 

Best practices include the following: 

1) Asking a patient to make a separate appointment for vaccine and immunity evaluation. 

2) Providing pre-appointment personal and family history questionnaires so that all required information is available for the appointment. This should include past medical records. 

3) Seek to obtain informed consent from both parents. In cases of a difference of opinion or especially if there is a legal custody dispute. 

4) Perform a complete physical exam. 

Finally, informing and discussing the implications of a medical exemption with the parents or guardians: 

The reason for the exemption, generally, the risks to vaccination outweigh the benefits, A medical exemption implies the child may attend school without receiving the vaccine. According to conventional medical opinion, being exempted from a vaccine may leave the child more susceptible to the associated disease and also more likely to be contagious. Also, may be more likely to experience a severe form of the disease thus increasing the risk of harm or death. Ask the parent to return periodically for a re-evaluation of the child’s health. And understand that in the event of an outbreak a child with a medical exemption may be requested or required to avoid entering certain areas until the risk has cleared. (In following these steps, a physician who writes a medical exemption is more likely to be protected and avoid scrutiny and professional discipline in the current administrative state). 

Vaccine exemptions are “student records” and as such are protected as part of the medical record by laws such as HIPAA as well as others. Nobody has the right to review them without a signed release including state agencies. There are forms you can attach to the exemption letter in the school file to remind school officials of that fact. And schools are required to accept a medical exemption that is correctly written! Apparently, some schools are saying they no longer accept exemptions. Sounds similar to some hospitals saying they don’t “allow” VBAC. You should stand up for your rights or they will be taken away. 

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Lecture notes from Robert Kennedy, Jr. 

I have to say that as a child growing up in the 60’s it was a thrill to hear Mr. Kennedy speak. I had a few flashbacks to my youth about his father and his uncle and his uncle’s famous book, “Profiles in Courage”. That aside, he has withstood significant media backlash and has an impressive array of facts and data that I hope my memory will do justice to here. 

Interestingly, he begins by acting a bit surprised that most politicians supporting big pharma and mandatory vaccination laws are Democrats. He had a strong statement against Congressman Adam Schiff for his letter encouraging the big tech companies like FaceBook and Google to ban dissenting speech that Mr. Schiff pejoratively labels anti-vaxx. A very non-liberal thing to do. He doesn’t understand why his party would support and believe “felons”. The same companies that have, “Paid out $35 billion for lying about other medications and medical devices but have found Jesus when it comes to vaccines. And why don’t we trust the moms and their stories? My body, my choice! What happened to that?’ He is an old school liberal with courage that has not yet come to grips that money and greed and power override goodness and reason in what is left of his party. 

Corruption, conflicts of interest and unethical behavior 

He asks the question, why are we trading treatable mild childhood illnesses for untreatable chronic illnesses? The rotavirus, hepatitis B and chicken pox vaccine are killing more people that the disease does. People do die from measles so the measles vaccine tends to open the door to these other vaccines to be thrown into the schedule. But there are no studies using placebo to compare to the dangers of the MMR shot. He points out there is evidence that having measles, itself, decreases the chances of ever getting Hodgkin’s or Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or heart disease. There is a Japanese study showing increased longevity of life for those who have real measles immunity. He presents information showing that the mumps portion of the MMR vaccine did not meet the required 95% threshold so Merck falsified its data. 


“Three out of five FDA advisory committee (VRBPAC) members who voted to approve the rotavirus vaccine in December 1997 had financial ties to pharmaceutical companies that were developing different versions of the vaccine. One of the five voting members’ employer had a $9,586,000 contract 

for a rotavirus vaccine. One of the five voting members was the principal investigator for a Merck grant to develop a rotavirus vaccine. And one of the five voting members received approx. $1,000,000 from vaccine manufacturers toward vaccine development.” 


Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) licenses, recommends, promotes and defends vaccines. “In 2000 The House Government Reform Committee investigated the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and found many conflicts of interest. The chairman of ACIP served on Merck’s Immunization Advisory Board. Another member shared the patent on a vaccine under development and was a consultant for Merck. Another member was under contract with the Merck Vaccine Division and was a principal investigator for SmithKline. Another member was on Merck’s payroll. Yet another member was participating in vaccine studies with Merck, Wyeth & SmithKline.” Red flags have to be going off to anyone who is reading this, yes? 


From “2002-2009 former CDC director, Julie Gerberding oversaw numerous vaccine studies, many of which were recently deemed unreliable by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). In 2010, she became president of Merck Vaccines with estimated $2.5 million annual salary and lucrative stock options. 

Without claiming to be a conspiracy theorist does anyone believe this revolving door is any better today? 

More Numbers 

In 2004, Dr. Peter Aaby looked at the DPT vaccine given in the first 3-5 months in an urban African city. He found that the mortality rate within the first year plus was significantly higher for the children who were vaccinated with DPT that those who missed the clinic and went unvaccinated. Apparently, they were made more susceptible to other infectious diseases. Here is the link: 

Mr. Kennedy then went on to point out that since 1989 there has been an increase in adverse events in every demographic except unvaccinated kids. According to the CDC, currently, one out of six children has a form of developmental disorder and 54% have some chronic illness (seemed high to me but this is what he presented). But he goes on that in 1986 there were 11 vaccines on the schedule and chronic illness in childhood stood at 12.8%. In 2019, there are 72 vaccines on the schedule with the 54% rate. This data is from insurance claims which likely means it may be higher as not everything gets reported as we have seen. 

So, why did we go from 11 vaccines in 1986 to 72 now with a whopping 273 vaccines in the regulatory pipeline? He believes it is clearly linked to the 1986 law removing liability from the companies for negligence or injury therefore opening the door to rapid development with poor quality control. More vaccines and no lawsuits equal more mandates equals more money. Two of the most absurd vaccines on the schedule are the newborn Hepatitis B and the HPV related vaccines like Guardasil. The hepatitis B vaccine was approved for safety after 5 days and there was no placebo-controlled trial. Subjects were only observed for 4 days after the administration of the shot. He says that Polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) also had short safety testing measured in days and the placebo trials for these were against other vaccines! 

“Guardasil testing was a complete fraud”. They used a toxic placebo rather than saline to compare and no surprise when autoimmune disease rates were the same in both groups. Therefore, they absurdly concluded it must not be the new vaccine causing problems. But the autoimmune disease rate was 2.3% in both groups. So, this vaccine was mandated in girls ages 9-26 and now boys as well. Giving 23 out of 1000 children an autoimmune disease for life to possibly prevent a treatable disease that may occur 40 years later! There are 4 million new customers born every year just in America, not to mention the vast numbers around the world. Marketing direct to consumers and lobbying state houses for mandates for a vaccine that was never tested properly that we know does injury to treat a possible curable disease that may or may not ever manifest itself in 40 years should anger all of us beyond words. 

An automated HMO study of vaccination patients found 1/40 had reactions but the CDC “spiked” the study. On the CDC website it apparently says that vaccines do not cause autism. How do they make this claim in light of so many injuries and stories and reports to the contrary? They cite several studies from 1999 to 2014. But after having listened to the speakers at this and other seminars and on documentaries it is really hard to see how they can say such a thing with certainty. There is so much fraud and shoddy research, some of which Mr. Kennedy points out, that relying on researchers who may very well be conflicted and ignoring the growing number of articles and truly believable anecdotal stories from mothers and families who are not conflicted makes the CDC claim suspect at best. If vaccines are so good for us then why must they make mandates? I mean, they don’t mandate orange juice. They don’t mandate safe sex (not yet, anyway). Guidelines and recommendations are fine. But when a government or an organization starts mandating then caveat emptor. 

The last thing I recall about Mr. Kennedy’s powerful talk was about the VAERS numbers. In 2016 there were 59,117 reported adverse events from vaccines. But many suspect that only a small fraction of AEs get reported. If it were just 1% were reported then the actual number of AEs is 5,911,700. 

Reported (1%) ? Actual (100%) 

Deaths 432 43,200 

Permanent Disability 1091 109,100 

Hospitalizations 4132 413,200 

ER Visits 10,284 1,028,400 

Whether there is a direct link to autism or not, there is no question as to vaccines causing some harm. Decisions on the best interest for your child or your body should not belong to anyone but you! 

Coming up: Attorney Mary Holland, Author of “The HPV Vaccine on Trial, Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed” 

Lecture Notes from Mary Holland, Esq. 

“Herd Immunity”, does it work? Maxims of Jurisprudence Part 4 of the California Civil Code #3510:
When the reason for a rule ceases, so should the rule itself. 

Ms. Holland began with a discussion of two past judicial decisions that continue to this day to be used as justification for mandates to supersede individual liberty. The first was Jacobson v Massachusetts in 

1905. In Jacobson v Massachusetts, the US Supreme Court upheld the Cambridge, Mass, Board of Health’s authority to require vaccination against smallpox during a smallpox epidemic. Jacobson was one of the few Supreme Court cases before 1960 in which a citizen challenged the state’s authority to impose mandatory restrictions on personal liberty for public health purposes. 

Justice Harlan confirmed that the Constitution protects individual liberty and that liberty is not “an absolute right in each person to be, in all times and in all circumstances, wholly free from restraint”. There is, of course, a sphere within which the individual may assert the supremacy of his own will and rightfully dispute the authority of any human government, especially of any free government existing under a written constitution. But it is equally true that in every well-ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand. 

The second case was Zucht v King from 1922. This was a case in which the United States Supreme Court found that the school district of San Antonio, Texas, could constitutionally exclude unvaccinated students from attending the schools in the district. The city of San Antonio, Texas, enacted an ordinance prohibiting any child from attending a public school or other places of education without having first presented a certificate of vaccination for smallpox. Consequently, Rosalyn Zucht was excluded from both public and private schools due to her refusal to receive a vaccination. Zucht sued, asserting that there was no emergency requiring vaccination and that she was deprived of liberty without due process of law by effectively making vaccination compulsory. The Texas state courts denied her claims, and she appealed to the United States Supreme Court. The Court found no reason to question the fairness with which the city ordinance was applied in this case, and found that the ordinance reflected the broad discretion needed by authorities to protect the public health. 

The term “Herd Immunity” originated in 1923 but became in common use in the 1970s and is used as a technique for mass persuasion to raise public compliance. There are numerous papers on the significance of and evidence behind herd immunity. The details go beyond the scope of the lecture or my ability to elaborate further here. But I would encourage interested parties to do some of their own reading and research. Ms. Holland points out some problems with the universal acceptance of the theory, however. These include: primary vaccine failure, secondary vaccine failure, mutation of infectious agent, importation from abroad and viral shedding of the vaccinated. 

Recently, the state of Washington had a measles outbreak of 43 cases. The media used the adjective “massive” in their headlines. Apparently, this occurred mostly in a local community of Ukrainian folk who were not vaccinated and it did not spread to nearby areas. Yet this, like Disneyland will be used to proclaim a crisis requiring laws and mandates. “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” R. Emanuel 

There have been measles outbreaks in every year since the MMR vaccine was introduced in 1971. Some years there are no deaths. In 2016 there were these numbers of deaths: 

  • 635,260 from heart disease 

  • 598,038 from cancer 

  • 251,454 from medical errors 

  • >40,000 from car accidents 

  • 15,000 from C. Difficile 

  • 11,000 from MRSA 

  • 7,000 from drug resistant streptococcus 

  • 100 from lightning 

  • 0 from measles 

The current vaccination rate for MMR in the U.S.A, is >94%, well above the >70% rate proposed for herd immunity. Many states have no outbreaks or small ones with no deaths and yet the push is on to take away exemptions. HHS and other agencies have repeatedly dropped the ball on vaccine safety testing and the FDA has never removed a vaccine from the market for reasons of safety! Court challenges citing personal liberty and bodily autonomy have all failed as no judge is going to overturn a legislature that is within the bounds of those two old court decisions. But if we don’t act soon, Ms. Holland says, we will lose our liberty. She thinks the best chance to fight back will be to go after the HPV and hepatitis B vaccine producers for fraud and false advertising. Guardasil came with the ad claim, “You can prevent cancer” which was never proven. 

Some may argue about the exact ranking but the U.S. has had a rising infant mortality rate for the past 50 years. In 1950 we had the 3rd best. In 2017 we are 56th in the world. Could there be a relationship to vaccines or even the vaccine excipient and ingredients? Here is a list of what is in the MMR vaccine. 

Chick embryo cell culture 

WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts 

MRC-5 cells 

Sucrose, hydrolyzed gelatin, sodium chloride, sorbitol. Monosodium-L glutamate sodium phosphate dibasic, human albumin, sodium bicarbonate, potassium phosphate monobasic potassium chloride, potassium phosphate dibasic neomycin & bovine calf serum. 

Why the effort to end exemptions now when we are at 95% and there are no deaths? Ms. Holland suggests that since the vaccine industry may sense their house of cards is at risk as the truth about the problems with vaccines comes out more and more, they can destroy the non-vaccinated healthy control group. Sounds sinister? The pharmaceutical companies have earned the reputation. Now there are new tactics to ban books, censorship of dissent on the internet and deflect blame for problems to anti-vaxxers. 

“First do no harm”. Any movement to transform medical ethics from humanitarian Hippocratic tradition to collective population utility ethics is a very slippery slope. Mandates destroy medicine! Mandates destroy the doctor-patient relationship. Physicians become state agents and not healers. Doctors who administer medical interventions without knowing if they are “good for the patient” and “will do no harm” violate the doctor’s Hippocratic oath. 

Some pediatricians and other specialists in larger groups and HMOs receive financial incentives to vaccinate. The higher their vaccine rate the bigger their bonus. Also, the vaccine schedule leads to more office visits and thus more billings. Children who don’t vaccinate rarely go for a check-up. I know this sounds sinister and everyone loves their doctor but there are pressures brought to bear on these physicians to conform. Becoming more sheep than shepherd. We need more shepherds and we must be wise consumers. It is amazing to me that my organization, ACOG, strongly recommends all pregnant women get a tDap and flu vaccine in the third trimester. I’ve done the math and there is certainly room for informed refusal. Mothers and fathers need to know facts from guidelines and risks and benefits of all options. These are choices that in a free society should belong to the individual despite what 100-year-old court decisions say. So, I hope this summary has been enlightening despite it probably being angering and frustrating. I want all my pediatric colleagues to be safe and follow the guidelines. I want our children to be safe. And, I want all of us to stand up together against tyranny and stupidity which seems to abound these days. 

All the best, 

Dr. Stu 

******* Attention******** 

And just as I was about to submit this for posting on my blog, I got this announcement from PIC: 

CA State Senator, Richard Pan (D), the main force behind the SB277 that began the assault on personal liberty is at it again. This is the nature of the totalitarian left. They never stop thinking they know better. And don’t think he will stop with this new bill SB276. The next step will be mandating all adults get vaccinated as a condition for getting a driver’s license or registering to vote or something. Think that sounds crazy? Just watch. It’s coming unless we mobilize now. Join or support PIC, please. SB 276 - Pan’s New Attempt to Thwart Informed Consent 

SB276, in summary: 

1. All medical exemptions will be need to be approved by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). 

2. All medical exemption requests will need to be based on CDC contraindications only. 

3. All medical exemption requests will need to be submitted via a standardized form created by the CDPH. 

4. All approved medical exemptions will be included in a database accessible to the CDPH. 

5. Any medical exemption written PRIOR to SB276 will also need to be approved by the CDPH and included in their database, by July 1, 2020. 

We will all need to get involved in order to crush this attempt to coerce medical treatments onto our patients and the public at large. 

Please consider supporting PIC. 

Another must read: How to End the Autism Epidemic 

And catch Blyss and me at 

Me with Dr. Paul Thomas

Me with Dr. Paul Thomas

Check out Dr. Paul Thomas’s new book co-authored with my dear friend Jennifer Margulis. 

Lastly, here is a link to a form you can give your school that protects your child’s records and rights to confidentiality. Thank you, Meredith.