One Day Breech Refresher - Lubbock, TX
Hosted by Heartbeat Midwifery
To register, please contact Carmen Gayman
Whether planned or unexpected, breech presentation occurs in 3-4% of term pregnancies and at higher rates if preterm. Breech vaginal delivery is a core skill that every obstetrician or midwife should feel comfortable with. Our Reteach Breech course is open to anyone interested in advancing their skills and honoring birth options. If you are a midwife, doula, other birth worker, medical student, resident or practicing physician you will, at some point, encounter a situation where knowledge of breech, breech extraction and internal podalic version techniques may be lifesaving. We hope you will consider hosting a Reteach Breech workshop or join us at a future seminar in your area.
If you’re looking to host or attend a workshop in your area, please fill out an inquiry form and someone will get back to you shortly.
Hosted by Heartbeat Midwifery
To register, please contact Carmen Gayman
Hosted by Salli Gonzalez
Hosted by East Texas Birth Co
Please contact Holly Clayburn for registration
Phone: (903) 262-7408
Hosted by Grow Midwifery Care
To register, please email Michele Grow
Hosted by Chosen Births Midwifery
Please contact Lynda Hoskins, CPM for registration
Phone: 901-299-0881
$20 at the door
6p social hour with refreshments
Hosted by Tender Gifts Midwifery
Please contact Althea Hrdlichka for registration
Hosted by Mother’s Choice Midwifery
The Reclaiming Birth Conference is your opportunity to be part of the community that shares your values and vision. Connect with other women, birth workers, and care providers who are all on a journey to bring empowerment, dignity, and strength back to the birthing process.
Hosted by Wild and Free Birthing Services
To register, please contact Madison Simmons
Hosted by True Doula
To register, please email
CEUs will be offered as well!
hosted by Nathan Riley of the Born Free Method
Join Dr. Stu at the 2020 Kansas Breech and NRP Workshop in Rose Hill, KS with Breech Without Borders
The workshop includes
~ 2-day vaginal breech workshop sponsored by Breech Without Borders and taught by Stuart Fischbein, MD, David Hayes, MD, and Rixa Freeze, PhD
~ NRP certification with Karen Strange
~ 1-day breech refresher course
~ Neonatal transitional physiology with Karen Strange
Join Dr. Stu at the 2020 Kansas Breech and NRP Workshop in Rose Hill, KS with Breech Without Borders
The workshop includes
~ 2-day vaginal breech workshop sponsored by Breech Without Borders and taught by Stuart Fischbein, MD, David Hayes, MD, and Rixa Freeze, PhD
~ NRP certification with Karen Strange
~ 1-day breech refresher course
~ Neonatal transitional physiology with Karen Strange
Join Dr. Stu at the 2020 Kansas Breech and NRP Workshop in Rose Hill, KS with Breech Without Borders
The workshop includes
~ 2-day vaginal breech workshop sponsored by Breech Without Borders and taught by Stuart Fischbein, MD, David Hayes, MD, and Rixa Freeze, PhD
~ NRP certification with Karen Strange
~ 1-day breech refresher course
~ Neonatal transitional physiology with Karen Strange
This 3-day breech conference explores 3 themes relating to breech birth: autonomy, biodiversity, and sustainability.
1. How can women be the key decision-makers in their births, even if--especially if--their babies are breech?
2. How can we support biodiversity in breech birth (diversity of birth positions, settings, & provider types), rather than a monoculture?
3. And finally, how can we make breech birth sustainable on an institutional and regulatory level?
We will discuss obstacles to providing breech and explore solutions in which vaginal breech is not just barely tolerated, but vigorously supported as a valid option.
This conference includes hands-on training with obstetric simulators, using the most up-to-date research and techniques in physiological breech birth.
Dr. Fischbein will be share his talk on, “Collaborative breech models” at the Madison Breech Conference presented by Breech Without Boarders. This conference was designed to address barriers that hospital providers and administrators face in supporting vaginal breech birth.
This 3-day breech conference explores 3 themes relating to breech birth: autonomy, biodiversity, and sustainability.
1. How can women be the key decision-makers in their births, even if--especially if--their babies are breech?
2. How can we support biodiversity in breech birth (diversity of birth positions, settings, & provider types), rather than a monoculture?
3. And finally, how can we make breech birth sustainable on an institutional and regulatory level?
We will discuss obstacles to providing breech and explore solutions in which vaginal breech is not just barely tolerated, but vigorously supported as a valid option.
This conference includes hands-on training with obstetric simulators, using the most up-to-date research and techniques in physiological breech birth.
Dr. Fischbein will be share his talk on, “Collaborative breech models” at the Madison Breech Conference presented by Breech Without Boarders. This conference was designed to address barriers that hospital providers and administrators face in supporting vaginal breech birth.
This 3-day breech conference explores 3 themes relating to breech birth: autonomy, biodiversity, and sustainability.
1. How can women be the key decision-makers in their births, even if--especially if--their babies are breech?
2. How can we support biodiversity in breech birth (diversity of birth positions, settings, & provider types), rather than a monoculture?
3. And finally, how can we make breech birth sustainable on an institutional and regulatory level?
We will discuss obstacles to providing breech and explore solutions in which vaginal breech is not just barely tolerated, but vigorously supported as a valid option.
This conference includes hands-on training with obstetric simulators, using the most up-to-date research and techniques in physiological breech birth.
Dr. Fishbein will present, “Breech: The Other Way Babies Come Out” at this year’s New Jersey Symposium for Physiologic Birth. The event will host speakers on today’s important topics, including Cristen Pascucci of Birth Monopoly and Diana Snyder, an attorney, doula and patient rights advocate
Do not miss out on this great day designed to create cohesiveness and awareness among New Jersey Birth Workers. You will gain practical knowledge and tools to feel comfortable offering your patients more birth choices with less risk of lawsuits.
Vaginal breech workshop taught by:
Dr. Rixa Freeze, PhD
Dr. David Hayes, OBGYN
Dr. Stuart Fischbein, OBGYN
Event dates:
Saturday, Sep 14: 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday, Sep 15: 9 am - 6 pm
Workshop topics & schedule:
9 am Sat: Evidence on term breech since the Term Breech Trial
11 am Sat: Breech maneuvers: history, theory, and practice*
2 pm Sat: Mechanisms of upright breech birth*
4 pm Sat: Normal & abnormal in vaginal breech birth*
9 am Sun: Nomenclature and risks/outcomes of various fetal leg positions
10:30 am Sun: Outcomes of out-of-hospital breech birth
2 pm Sun: Hands-on practice with doll & pelvis and Sophie & Her Mum (obstetrical simulator)*
Join us for a day of intense education and training on the art of breech birth. Learn the history of breech and how and why it has become a lost art. There will be simulated enactments of both breech and twin situations.
• Apply true informed consent for the options to a woman with a term breech
• Distinguish the referrals and options available in their obstetric community.
• Identify the safe selection criteria for vaginal breech birth
• Demonstrate the maneuvers and positioning for optimal outcomes in vaginal breech birth
The day starts with a lecture from Dr. Fischbein on evidence-based research for vaginal breech birth and a Q and A session. The lecture will be from approximately 9 am to noon and is open to anyone. Tickets for the lecture portion only are $150.
Full day participants will stay for a catered lunch with Dr. Fischbein and hands-on skills session in the afternoon. The hands-on session ends at 6 pm and midwives, OBGYN’s, midwifery and medical students are welcome. Full Day participant spots are limited to ensure one-on-one instruction! 7 CEU’s available for full-day participants and NARM contact hours. Tickets for the full-day workshop are $400.
This workshop will take place at the Atlanta Birth Center, 1 Baltimore Place, NW Atlanta, GA 30308.
This event is hosted by Mother Love Birth Services
Join us for a day of intense education and training on the art of breech birth. Learn the history of breech
and how and why it has become a lost art. There will be simulated enactments of both breech and twin
situations. CEUs are available.
• Apply true informed consent for the options to a woman with a term breech
• Distinguish the referrals and options available in their obstetric community.
• Identify the safe selection criteria for vaginal breech birth
• Demonstrate the maneuvers and positioning for optimal outcomes in vaginal breech birth
This event is hosted by Midvalley Birth Services for tickets or more information, please contact Liz @ 541-223-4454
The Portuguese Association for Women´s Rights in Pregnancy and Birth´s next annual conference “Nascer em Amor” (Born with Love) will take place in May 2018, on the occasion of the International Week for Respecting Childbirth (IWRC) under the theme, ‘Less interference, more care‘. The focus of the conference will be on ‘Exceptional births‘: those that by nature are the exception in relation to the majority of births – twin births, vaginal birth after caesarean, breech births and births that take place beyond 42 weeks (prolonged pregnancy).
With regards to these births – which we hope can be exceptional not only because of their statistical rarity – we will bring together families and birth professionals for a day of information, debate and sharing about the options available to both women and professionals. These four situations in focus usually set the stage for high rates of intervention (induction, instrumented delivery, caesarean), that bring with it its own set of risks and consequences for both mothers and babies.
It is our wish to shed light on the range of options, in accordance with best practice and the latest evidence, and also through women´s stories, so that more women can make truly informed decisions, and caesareans and other interventions are reserved for situations where the need is real or by maternal request. We hope to make a contribution to the improvement of maternal health care in Portugal, in accordance with the World Health Organization, the United Nations CEDAW Committee and the Portuguese Government´s recommendations.
Dr. Fischbein will be demonstrating techniques as well as discussing informed consent
The Portuguese Association for Women´s Rights in Pregnancy and Birth´s next annual conference “Nascer em Amor” (Born with Love) will take place in May 2018, on the occasion of the International Week for Respecting Childbirth (IWRC) under the theme, ‘Less interference, more care‘. The focus of the conference will be on ‘Exceptional births‘: those that by nature are the exception in relation to the majority of births – twin births, vaginal birth after caesarean, breech births and births that take place beyond 42 weeks (prolonged pregnancy).
With regards to these births – which we hope can be exceptional not only because of their statistical rarity – we will bring together families and birth professionals for a day of information, debate and sharing about the options available to both women and professionals. These four situations in focus usually set the stage for high rates of intervention (induction, instrumented delivery, caesarean), that bring with it its own set of risks and consequences for both mothers and babies.
It is our wish to shed light on the range of options, in accordance with best practice and the latest evidence, and also through women´s stories, so that more women can make truly informed decisions, and caesareans and other interventions are reserved for situations where the need is real or by maternal request. We hope to make a contribution to the improvement of maternal health care in Portugal, in accordance with the World Health Organization, the United Nations CEDAW Committee and the Portuguese Government´s recommendations.
Dr. Fischbein will be demonstrating techniques as well as discussing informed consent
The Portuguese Association for Women´s Rights in Pregnancy and Birth´s next annual conference “Nascer em Amor” (Born with Love) will take place in May 2018, on the occasion of the International Week for Respecting Childbirth (IWRC) under the theme, ‘Less interference, more care‘. The focus of the conference will be on ‘Exceptional births‘: those that by nature are the exception in relation to the majority of births – twin births, vaginal birth after caesarean, breech births and births that take place beyond 42 weeks (prolonged pregnancy).
With regards to these births – which we hope can be exceptional not only because of their statistical rarity – we will bring together families and birth professionals for a day of information, debate and sharing about the options available to both women and professionals. These four situations in focus usually set the stage for high rates of intervention (induction, instrumented delivery, caesarean), that bring with it its own set of risks and consequences for both mothers and babies.
It is our wish to shed light on the range of options, in accordance with best practice and the latest evidence, and also through women´s stories, so that more women can make truly informed decisions, and caesareans and other interventions are reserved for situations where the need is real or by maternal request. We hope to make a contribution to the improvement of maternal health care in Portugal, in accordance with the World Health Organization, the United Nations CEDAW Committee and the Portuguese Government´s recommendations.
Dr. Fischbein will be demonstrating techniques as well as discussing informed consent
The Portuguese Association for Women´s Rights in Pregnancy and Birth´s next annual conference “Nascer em Amor” (Born with Love) will take place in May 2018, on the occasion of the International Week for Respecting Childbirth (IWRC) under the theme, ‘Less interference, more care‘. The focus of the conference will be on ‘Exceptional births‘: those that by nature are the exception in relation to the majority of births – twin births, vaginal birth after caesarean, breech births and births that take place beyond 42 weeks (prolonged pregnancy).
With regards to these births – which we hope can be exceptional not only because of their statistical rarity – we will bring together families and birth professionals for a day of information, debate and sharing about the options available to both women and professionals. These four situations in focus usually set the stage for high rates of intervention (induction, instrumented delivery, caesarean), that bring with it its own set of risks and consequences for both mothers and babies.
It is our wish to shed light on the range of options, in accordance with best practice and the latest evidence, and also through women´s stories, so that more women can make truly informed decisions, and caesareans and other interventions are reserved for situations where the need is real or by maternal request. We hope to make a contribution to the improvement of maternal health care in Portugal, in accordance with the World Health Organization, the United Nations CEDAW Committee and the Portuguese Government´s recommendations.
Dr. Fischbein will be demonstrating techniques as well as discussing informed consent
Dr. Stu will be a guest speaker at this year's Libertopia in San Diego. The festival devoted to everything peaceful and voluntary returns in 2018 to Humphreys Concerts by the Bay and Hotel on Shelter Island in beautiful San Diego, California. Mark your calendars for a uniquely inspiring, educational, and fun weekend May 3 (8 pm) – May 6, 2018: Libertopia at Humphreys Concerts by the Bay!
Dr. Stu will be in San Diego area to present his insights on breech birth presentations at Babies in Bloom Birth Center This event is open to midwives, nurses, doctors, students or other in the birth field. Space is limited.
Join director/producer Jessicca Moore, Dr. Stuart Fischbein, as well as other local birth professionals, for a screening of the documentary Why Not Home? followed by a panel discussion.
We will watch the documentary in the intimate space at The Good Life Academy, a holistic wellness center in beautiful SoCal. After the film, birth experts will answer questions in a panel discussion. Light refreshments will be served.
Jessicca Moore is a family nurse practitioner and filmmaker in Petaluma, CA. A graduate of the UCLA School of Nursing, she has always been drawn to people and their stories and is passionate about empowering women and families through information sharing. She became interested in filmmaking when the intersection of her personal and professional worlds gave her a story she had to tell.Her path to motherhood started with a high tech conception through IVF and culminated in a low tech birth at home. She tells the previously untold story of hospital birth providers who chose to give birth at home in her first film, "Why not Home?"
Tickets are $15