The Induction Equation
An interview with Dr. Stu Fischbein for The Induction Equation series produced by Intentional Birth. Dr. Stu discusses the question of ultrasound and its connection to the remarkably high induction rate around the globe. What is this tool used for, how effective is it at identifying true issues for mother or baby, and what are the possible harms of excessive reliance on ultrasound?
How Birth Can Be
Dr. Stuart Fischbein shares his thoughts on breech deliveries.
Dr. Stuart Fischbein shares thoughts on Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) vs. Cesarean Section.
Dr. Stuart Fischbein shares his thoughts on delayed cord clamping.
Dr. Stuart Fischbein shares his thought on Blood Banking.
Dr. Stuart Fischbein asks the hard questions.
Australian Breech Birth Panel — Click here to watch Dr. Stu speak on the Australian College of Midwives’ online panel: Breech Birth: Complication or Variation?