Royal College of Ob/Gyn Supports Delayed Cord Clamping

The RCOG recommends that the time at which the cord is clamped should be recorded. Early cord clamping is defined as immediately or within the first 30 seconds. The cord should not be clamped earlier than is necessary, based on the clinical assessment of the situation. Evidence suggests that delayed cord clamping (more than 30 seconds) may benefit the neonate in reducing anaemia and particularly the preterm neonate, by allowing time for transfusion of placental blood to the new born infant which can provide an additional 30% blood volume. In the preterm infant (less than 37 +0 weeks) this may reduce the need for transfusion and reduce intraventricular haemorrhage. Delayed cord clamping does not appear to increase the risk of PPH. The timing of cord clamping needs to be made by the doctor or other attendant in the light of the clinical situation. Early clamping may be required if there is postpartum haemorrhage, placenta or vasa praevia, there is a tight nuchal cord, or the baby is asphyxiated and requires immediate resuscitation
. April 2011

The International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the World Health Organization no longer recommend immediate cord clamping as a component of active management. Dr. F