Power Point Debut

Today the gracious members of the Orange County DASC hosted a gathering and invited me to come and share my thoughts on home birth and a recent opinion piece in the AJOG which took a strong stance against it. It was an educational experience for all of us and I really appreciated the attention and feedback. I talked about logic and ethics and how this opinion article skewed its ethical arguments, applied faulty logic and created straw man arguments in an attempt to vilify home birth and those who support it. We tend to be a headline reading society and rarely have the time or expertise to truly analyze the content in a critical manner. Doing so here led me to the surprising conclusion that ethicists are not always ethical and the editors of the AJOG ought to not blindly accept shameful submissions from well credentialed authors without vetting the data. I would be happy to share or debate my take on this with any inquiring minds. Happy New year! Lets make it a safe and honest one. Dr. F
Stuart FischbeinComment