Home External Version

January 1,2012. Well, its a new Year! It began with a home visit this afternoon on a new client referred by Mary Lou O'Brien. Alison's second pregnancy was persistent frank breech at 38 1/2 weeks. Her 1st delivery was a beautiful home birth with Mary Lou. As always required, Alison and Dave, her husband, had the right mental "stuff" and no physical problems. We discussed her option of external version after more natural methods had been unsuccessful. However, the cost of going to the hospital for this family was prohibitive so they accepted the very small risk and great benefit of trying to flip the baby at home in bed. Without medication but with warm olive oil, nurturing surroundings and a portable ultrasound available, not to mention a very cooperative baby, the version took less than 30 seconds. An easy forward roll put the baby's head down to the delight of mom, dad & little brother Ocean. We were all overjoyed for them and proud to be able to offer choice, informed consent and alternatives such as external version and breech delivery options. Thanks Mary Lou. Be sure to let us know what happens next. A peaceful 2012 to all.
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